Experiment: Try Lumosity’s Online Brain Games!
Have you ever talked to a friend or family member and realized that your brain activity is – to some degree – atypical? Don’t fret; you’re not alone. Whether your experiences are synesthetic in nature or related to something entirely different, it’s always interesting to learn more about what’s going on inside our brains and how it affects our mental capacities. While we try to explore the former as much as possible on the Synesthesia Test blog, this post will address the latter. How do my abnormal perceptions and/or thought processes affect the way I react to different stimuli? More specifically, when faced with a game that’s designed to stimulate my brain, do my tendencies aid or hinder my ability to perform well? We’ll need your help here a little, of course, as well as that of Lumosity – an awesome suite of online games and exercises designed to engage, challenge, and ultimately improve your brain function
The Game: Speed Match
Lumosity has a boatload of great games for boosting your memory and mental fortitude, but for our purposes (and largely in the spirit of this blog and its topic of synesthesia), I chose to use the Speed Match game. Not only is it pretty simple, but it also reminds me of some of the things we discussed when talking about the high-functioning savant, Daniel Tammet. Anyways, the objective of this game is to indicate whether or not the symbol or shape matches the one that appeared immediately before it. There is a time stipulation of 45 seconds, so you’ll want to hurry! That’s the gist of it, though.
While this game is free to play, you can gain access to a personalized set of brain exercises by signing up for a 14-day free trial. It’s not required, obviously, but if you find yourself having fun and being challenged by some of the free games, I think it’s a must-try. Plus, the trial is completely free, and you can opt out at any time, free of charge. Back to Speed Match, though! Give it a try! The first round is for practice. On your second run, record your score (or take a screenshot). We’ll need your results to make this a success!
Comparing Results
So, it’s the moment of truth. How did you do? Were you impressed with your performance on the second try, as opposed to the first? Does that old brain need a little dusting off? Don’t sweat it. This is mostly for fun. Anyways, I’ll share my results below. On my first play, I think I scored somewhere in the 540-560 point range. Interestingly enough, my results seemed to improve drastically with just one try under my belt. Here are the stats from trial two:
Category: Non-synesthete
Reaction Time: 1036 ms
Accuracy: 100%
Total Correct: 36
Points: 940
Not too shabby, eh? Well, who knows, really. Until we see some of your results, we won’t know how well I did (relatively speaking). The more, the better – obviously. You can submit your results in the comments of this post using your first name, a nickname, or completely anonymous. We’re not so much concerned with who is contributing as we are with what is being contributed. That said, I’ll go ahead and thank all of those who do contribute in advance :). Remember, when you post your results, if you’d be so kind as to include which category you fall into: non-synesthete, synesthete, unsure, or some abnormal brain function. No personal information will be published in my follow-up – only inferences from the overall data set! Does it sound like a plan? Good! I look forward to hearing from some of you soon!
If it’s more convenient, you can use our contact form to submit your results. Just put “Speed Match” in the subject line! Thanks for reading! Again, if you enjoyed the free game from Lumosity, chances are that you’ll love the personalized trial program! Sign up while it’s free! See you soon!
Category- Synesthete
Reaction time- 742 ms
Accuracy- 94%
Total correct- 45
Final Score- 2,850
(First try)
wow, you were totally right about getting better by the second time!!! this is what i got-
Reaction time- 496 ms
Accuracy- 95%
Total correct- 62
Final Score- 7,510
but now im just showing off! lol 😛
Hey Maddie,
Wow! Thanks for the reply! You certainly blew my scores out of the water. And I thought I did well . . . Anyways, what type of synesthetic experiences do you have? We’d love to learn more. Have you tried any of Lumosity’s other games?
98% accuracy….
42 correct
score, 3170 🙂
Nice, Danielle! Crushed it!
this was really fun, haha :3
Reaction time- 500 ms
Accuracy- 100%
Total correct- 69
Final Score- 8,019
Nice, Rachel! Wow; everyone is blowing my score out of the water! Thanks for stopping by, as well.
my final score was 17,050
57 out of 62
it didn’t show the ‘category’ though, like yours did.